
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Sunday, March 27, 2011

5 months!

our baby boy turned 5 months old this past Friday! we love him so much and are constantly amazed, humbled, entertained, and delighted by Jamison Makoa. he and I are flying to Indiana this week to spend some time with our family! wish us luck on the airplane and Elliott luck in making PB & J sandwiches while we're gone... :)
with Daddy at the beach 

watching the full moon (supermoon!) rise at Lanikai

we started cereal! so far just baby rice cereal. 
next up: poi, sweet potatoes, and squash.

he thinks he can pretty much feed himself.

5 month big boy!

*everything* goes in Jamo's mouth, resulting in close-up pictures like this: camera strap getting some chews... :)


  1. Great pictures! Can't wait to see you tomorrow!

  2. Hey! I am so glad we got to see you! I hope you move back here SOON! Sorry Tucker was not in a great mood, it ended up being his new medicine, so now that I took him off of it, I haven't been thrown up on again :) Jamo is SO adorable! I just love all of you girls, and am so glad our boys can play together! :D

    Also, I'm hosting a giveaway on my blog, so come check it out!

  3. Yea, another blog to follow! Jamo is so sweet! You all make a beautiful family! xoxo

  4. The beach bum onsie would be perfect for Jamo! Thanks for entering the giveaway!!! :D
