
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Sunday, March 27, 2011

5 months!

our baby boy turned 5 months old this past Friday! we love him so much and are constantly amazed, humbled, entertained, and delighted by Jamison Makoa. he and I are flying to Indiana this week to spend some time with our family! wish us luck on the airplane and Elliott luck in making PB & J sandwiches while we're gone... :)
with Daddy at the beach 

watching the full moon (supermoon!) rise at Lanikai

we started cereal! so far just baby rice cereal. 
next up: poi, sweet potatoes, and squash.

he thinks he can pretty much feed himself.

5 month big boy!

*everything* goes in Jamo's mouth, resulting in close-up pictures like this: camera strap getting some chews... :)

Friday, March 18, 2011

mahalo for the honi

"thank you for the kiss!"
... is what i say all the time to Jamo. he presses his slobbery mouth on my cheek, and i pretend he's giving me kisses :) well our little boy will be 5 months old next week! he's doing awesome, laughing and scooting around like crazy. he also got his first tooth last week and has handled it pretty well. we go to Stroller Strides (mommy exercise class at the park) every other day, and at the end, we all get the babies out of the strollers to play. Jamison loves seeing what the "big kids" are doing. he also LIGHTS UP when he sees his daddy!! he still loves rolling over and barely spends any time on his back now, but his new favorite move is to scoot all the way across a blanket (or put his toes in his mouth... some days it's a toss up!). he's not quite crawling but he definitely gets where he wants to go! 
here are some links to the 2 latest albums. 