
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Thursday, June 23, 2011

we heart indiana

we traveled to Indiana for 6 days to see family and friends and attend our 10 year high school reunion. Jamison was a champ on the plane (13 hours traveling there and 17 coming back!) ... but i'm glad we only have a 40 minute flight to the Big Island in our near future :) El and I got new phones and I can now take all the pics and videos I want = so fun! 
here are some of our recent adventures... 

Jamison and Cali girl :)

climb time!

we had a huge storm a few weeks ago, and 1/2 our house flooded. luckily those rooms were tile and the furniture didn't get wet for very long. our landlord raised the concrete outside each door to [hopefully] prevent future rain from coming in... and he told me I could put Jamo's footprints and name. i wrote his Hawaiian middle name: 

J man loves to feed himself! he's eating a Baby Mum-Mum here. other faves include watermelon, Puffs, scrambled eggs, and mac & cheese! 

oh, indiana ~ tractor ride after dinner... :) 

sitting in the highchair at Zia's for Fathers' Day brunch. he is definitely a fan of a special chair, just for him, where he can bang on the table to "ask" for more Puffs!

all time favorite activity is definitely swimming. we've been to our friend Rahul's pool twice this week and we have a swim playdate tomorrow with lots of other babies!

Friday, May 27, 2011

proud of daddy

jamison makoa wearing daddy's hat :)

at the end of this year, Elliott will be transitioning out of the Navy and we'll be ready for another adventure and another home.  He has traveled to Washington D.C. this week for a career conference with service academy graduates. He had a really successful day, met recruiters and other employees from excellent companies, and even had some interviews! Jamison and i are so proud of El and excited for what the future holds for our family.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

lately in the H household...

new FAVORITE activity: splashing!!!!

happy May! we've been hanging out, enjoying sunshiney days, and playing with our boy! Elliott is almost finished with his spring semester of MBA classes and will have a short break before his summer classes start. we'll definitely enjoy having him home more in the evenings! Jamo and I have been going to stroller strides and playdates and doing lots of crawling and splashing at home! we're looking forward to a visit to Indiana in early June for our 10-year high school reunion and then my family is coming out to visit for 2 weeks this summer!! 

6 month baby with his bandaids from his shots last Thursday. he did great and took both of his naps that day laying on me.

playing in the sand! we used to try to keep him on the blanket and/or in the tent, etc. but there's no stopping this baby when we get to the beach ... 
so sandy boy it is!! :)

happy Easter! hanging out in his basket from Grandma Hultgren!

playing with his Easter present from our friend Erin... a duck named Puddles (Elliott does a great Puddles voice!)

half serious, half mischievous ...

on his 6 month day!

playing with Daddy and the spoon at Micah's 1st birthday luau

first time sitting in the big-boy part of the BOB! he took a peaceful little nap in the breeze at the birthday party.

cheesin in daddy's hat at a BBQ

Friday, April 22, 2011

Jamo's new favorite toys...

... are the outlet covers, remote, curtains, and bumbo tray. who needs real toys?!
reading Daddy's new book, all about Daddy and Jamo :)

Jamison will be 6 months on Monday! He is growing so fast and learning so many new things! I just started telling him "no" when he gets into something he shouldn't. Now obviously this shouldn't happen, since our family room should be completely baby-proofed; however, he thinks the outlet plug covers we put in are awesome and must be new toys for him! so when he tries to pull them out of the wall, i say "no, Jamison." of course he doesn't understand, but it makes him stop & look at me curiously and then i help him find something a little more age-appropriate :). we've also fully introduced food! he eats oatmeal, and has successfully eaten sweet potatoes, squash, apples, and pears. he makes the most hilarious, disgusted face about peas and green beans, so those will get another try soon! he sometimes likes eating but seems much more interested in teething on the tray, spoon, and sippy cup for now. 
mommy kisses at the beach

and click the link to see more pictures here:
latest pictures :)

Sunday, March 27, 2011

5 months!

our baby boy turned 5 months old this past Friday! we love him so much and are constantly amazed, humbled, entertained, and delighted by Jamison Makoa. he and I are flying to Indiana this week to spend some time with our family! wish us luck on the airplane and Elliott luck in making PB & J sandwiches while we're gone... :)
with Daddy at the beach 

watching the full moon (supermoon!) rise at Lanikai

we started cereal! so far just baby rice cereal. 
next up: poi, sweet potatoes, and squash.

he thinks he can pretty much feed himself.

5 month big boy!

*everything* goes in Jamo's mouth, resulting in close-up pictures like this: camera strap getting some chews... :)

Friday, March 18, 2011

mahalo for the honi

"thank you for the kiss!"
... is what i say all the time to Jamo. he presses his slobbery mouth on my cheek, and i pretend he's giving me kisses :) well our little boy will be 5 months old next week! he's doing awesome, laughing and scooting around like crazy. he also got his first tooth last week and has handled it pretty well. we go to Stroller Strides (mommy exercise class at the park) every other day, and at the end, we all get the babies out of the strollers to play. Jamison loves seeing what the "big kids" are doing. he also LIGHTS UP when he sees his daddy!! he still loves rolling over and barely spends any time on his back now, but his new favorite move is to scoot all the way across a blanket (or put his toes in his mouth... some days it's a toss up!). he's not quite crawling but he definitely gets where he wants to go! 
here are some links to the 2 latest albums. 

Monday, February 7, 2011

lap two

i figured out how to upload our videos!! i'm posting the shortest one just to test it, and i'll be going through the videos of our little dude and posting those soon.
so this was about 3 weeks before Jamison was born (this isn't what i currently look like!) ... i think i had to do my diabetes walking in the middle of a game we were watching, so i tried doing 'laps' around the house. 


obviously i didn't want to be videotaped at the time,
but now this video cracks us up...

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

rolls + rollovers

i have lots of pictures of little Jamo today! he turned 3 months old yesterday and is such a happy, smiley boy and so very precious to us. he is getting more and more rolls (double rolls on his ankles, i noticed yesterday) and is also rolling over. his favorite thing to play with is a plain burp cloth (silly toys!), and he loves to laugh when we say something over and over in a funny voice. you can imagine the 'intelligent' conversations that can be overheard by my neighbors!
with Daddy, who RAN the entire Honolulu Marathon in December. we surprised him at the finish line. we're so proud!!
playing on his surfboard mat
letting Mom take some pictures during play time... this is his 'thinking' face.
"mom you're so funny!!"
one of his new fave positions:
throw feet in the air,
roll partially over, stick hands in mouth
cruisin in the front yard
playing in the beach tent at Waimanalo with mommy
El took this picture of our setup and our view :)
so bright! we need to get him some baby shades. playing in the tent with daddy! 
LOVING bathtime
with his friend the duck
wearing a hoodie from Grandpa (Ax), 
dressed to go for a walk
all snuggly and comfy when we got home from our walk. he loves when we walk in the shade and i open the top and he can look out! he often falls asleep on the way home.
all star feet
practicing sitting in the bumbo + skyping with G and G Hultgren!
any blanket Jamison lays on looks like this ~ his feet always kick like crazy!
Jamison spends alot of time in this almost-rolled-over position before he gets over to his belly or squeaks for help!
helping mommy fold laundry
3 months old on the 25th!
posing for his picture... sweet boy.
about the same size as his owl friend... and instantly in his mouth :)

Friday, January 21, 2011

mele kalikimaka-ish

aloha! it's been quite a while since my last update, and this is just a short one. we had a WONDERFUL time in Indiana being with our families! pictures from our trip are here

my computer is being fixed by the Apple "geniuses" and i'll be able to update with new pictures when we get it back. Jamison is doing awesome... "talking" all the time, grabbing his feet, rolling over both ways (still accidentally, we think), reading lots of books with Mommy, staring at himself and us in the mirror, playing in the bath, and all kinds of fun things. he loves when Daddy dances and sings too :)

this picture is from November ... go Navy!

Jamison loved laying on the floor, kicking his arms + legs (always!), and staring at our pretty Christmas tree.

our first Christmas as a family of 3 
(Jamo has a grumpy face... maybe because he wants to face this Christmas tree too!)