
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Thursday, September 16, 2010

new (to us) car!

well, we became a little more grown-up this past week and bought a new-to-us car! The Jimmy has died several times and we've gotten it towed & fixed several times. It was becoming more and more unreliable ~ as in, it didn't start most of the the time. We had researched cars and knew that what we really wanted was a new or certified pre-owned Honda CRV. After searching the dealerships here and online, we came to the realization that Hawaii dealerships don't have 4-wheel-drive cars! No one here needs or wants a 4 wheel drive, so we were a bit stuck. We continued to call the dealership in town and when they got a CPO 4wd in, we went down right away to look at it. It's a little fancier than we needed but we got it for below the price we'd pay for a brand new in the lower model, so we were happy (and so is our budget). We got a 2007 cr-v, ex-l. It has a/c (yay!!), a sunroof, always starts :), and most importantly, is super safe for our little baby boy, who will be here in a few weeks!!

say aloha to the Jimster. here he is at
North Shore last year when Dad visited:

1 comment:

  1. I love the CRV!!! It looks awesome! Those things have so much space inside, too, which is nuts! And, true, it will be super save for baby!!
