
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

rolls + rollovers

i have lots of pictures of little Jamo today! he turned 3 months old yesterday and is such a happy, smiley boy and so very precious to us. he is getting more and more rolls (double rolls on his ankles, i noticed yesterday) and is also rolling over. his favorite thing to play with is a plain burp cloth (silly toys!), and he loves to laugh when we say something over and over in a funny voice. you can imagine the 'intelligent' conversations that can be overheard by my neighbors!
with Daddy, who RAN the entire Honolulu Marathon in December. we surprised him at the finish line. we're so proud!!
playing on his surfboard mat
letting Mom take some pictures during play time... this is his 'thinking' face.
"mom you're so funny!!"
one of his new fave positions:
throw feet in the air,
roll partially over, stick hands in mouth
cruisin in the front yard
playing in the beach tent at Waimanalo with mommy
El took this picture of our setup and our view :)
so bright! we need to get him some baby shades. playing in the tent with daddy! 
LOVING bathtime
with his friend the duck
wearing a hoodie from Grandpa (Ax), 
dressed to go for a walk
all snuggly and comfy when we got home from our walk. he loves when we walk in the shade and i open the top and he can look out! he often falls asleep on the way home.
all star feet
practicing sitting in the bumbo + skyping with G and G Hultgren!
any blanket Jamison lays on looks like this ~ his feet always kick like crazy!
Jamison spends alot of time in this almost-rolled-over position before he gets over to his belly or squeaks for help!
helping mommy fold laundry
3 months old on the 25th!
posing for his picture... sweet boy.
about the same size as his owl friend... and instantly in his mouth :)

Friday, January 21, 2011

mele kalikimaka-ish

aloha! it's been quite a while since my last update, and this is just a short one. we had a WONDERFUL time in Indiana being with our families! pictures from our trip are here

my computer is being fixed by the Apple "geniuses" and i'll be able to update with new pictures when we get it back. Jamison is doing awesome... "talking" all the time, grabbing his feet, rolling over both ways (still accidentally, we think), reading lots of books with Mommy, staring at himself and us in the mirror, playing in the bath, and all kinds of fun things. he loves when Daddy dances and sings too :)

this picture is from November ... go Navy!

Jamison loved laying on the floor, kicking his arms + legs (always!), and staring at our pretty Christmas tree.

our first Christmas as a family of 3 
(Jamo has a grumpy face... maybe because he wants to face this Christmas tree too!)